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We are child mental development and STEM specialist with over 20 year experience. Your child’s interest is our upmost priority.

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Testimonials About BRAINet

My little curious girl always ask, “Mummy can we do experiment today? ” Oh dear, I would love to explore STEM activities with her. But this needs preparation of materials, set up, notes for explanation and clean up too. I do feel bad if I say NO to her request, she is showing she wants to learn and explore. Luckily, I came across Brainet program, I think this is exactly what I need, with the bonus, teachers are there to explain to her.

Joanne 妈咪


What is BRAINet STEM?
“Honestly, I don’t have any idea about it. I guess it must be something that connects to our brains. I saw BRAINet on FB. It’s about how do children learn through play with toy blocks and build them into models. It sounded so simple and interesting. I start to believe that every kid can really learn through play. Let them make mistakes and tackle complex problems. Learning how to solve problem and look for solutions through play are the desirable skills. BRAINets has made an opportunity for kids to meet and learn how to collaborate with all kinds of peers, all joined by a common interest.

Rachael Chan

Sharing from Mummy

这STEM 课程就是孩子的救星。赞!
BRAINet 设计的课程真的是有一套…
STEM 课程就是孩子的救星。赞!



Its almost 6 months he join this STEM class he show his interest in fixing the stem projects… Now he able to get know about the Simple Machine..and when he see the objects around and can relate with the function of simple machine….
..for me i feel like he is still young and sometimes doesn’t want to concentrate when the class going on…but after the class if i ask he able to answer me…LOL

Kiruban Mom


我在第一个孩子大概两岁的时候,就买了第一套教材PHINKEN 和AMINO ,过后又买了AMIQ 和一些SmartGames 。 当初我是被这些教材的系统性所吸引。教材的品质和画工更让我觉得物超所值。这些有系统性的教材让我和孩子们更能愉快的享受亲子时刻。在没有家长的陪伴下,孩子们也可以独自享受它的乐趣。在这个充斥3C产品的时代,这些教材真的是让我省心很多。不用担心平面教材给眼睛带来的后患。
Phinken,Amino和 AMIQ 启发了孩子的探索精神,提升了孩子的分析能力,逻辑思考能力和想象力。孩子透过有趣好玩的游戏,在不同的事物上也增进了思考和解决问题的能力。孩子现在9岁和4岁了,但他们还是很享受教材给予他们的乐趣。希望这些教材可以继续陪伴他们成长。

Phyllis Kok 妈咪


但是我的孩子才3岁,课程是适合6岁到12岁的,心想报名了才打算,还好亲子馆说有家长陪伴就可以了。孩子一开始在Dr Derrick的教导下还需要我的辅助来完成模型组装的,毕竟第一次接触嘛。孩子会说出一些常用的零件名称,我也没想到孩子会记得。
孩子还会很期待STEM class, 会一直问什么时候有STEM class, 看到孩子对STEM模型有兴趣我也很开心。经过了几个月的学习到现在张老师的网课,孩子已经可以自己看着步骤自己组装了。看着孩子组装时的专注,我也很安慰。之后我也购买了亲子馆的一些教材,尤其是Junior Engineer (Vehicles), 帮助孩子的手眼协调和想象空间,孩子非常喜欢。真的很感谢亲子馆让我和孩子有机会学习。

妈咪 Ms Leo


BRAINet Gigo STEM教材轻便简单。连一个6岁的小朋友都可以看着Manual 轻易的把模型凑齐。在这过程可以增加小朋友的专注力👀,手的灵活力。最后当小朋友可以凑合一个新模型的时候,满足感跟自信心满满地写在他的脸上。

妈咪 Ms Koh


去年2019在槟城书展遇见了BRAINet,非常感谢专员的细心解释育儿心得,所以才下手选购了这套Phinken Learning card教材。
刚开始的时候不知所措,心急又气一直教都教不会,怕孩子不小心撕烂learning card因此感到心疼
孩子也因为持续的教导下,而会主动告诉父母或姐姐要玩这套教材,主动性也因此有所改善!现在还会拿日常生活中看到的红豆子来配Learning card 学counting 的部分了,跟家人一起数豆子,玩中学习
现在这套Phinken Learning card是我们每星期都会玩的必需品。这不但会增加我们的亲子关系,还能训练小朋友的思维能力。在育儿学习期间,耐心和持续坚持教导是非常重要的。

Yeoh 妈咪


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43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia.